Hridesh Rajan
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- PhD, Computer Science, The University of Virginia, 2005
- MS, Computer Science, The University of Virginia, 2004
- BTech, Computer Science & Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Varanasi, 2000
Hridesh Rajan, PhD, is the Kingland Professor and Chair in the Department of Computer Science at Iowa State University, where he has been since August 2005. He served as the Professor-In-Charge of the Data Science program from 2017-Oct 2019. He has held visiting positions at the University of Bristol, Harvard University, and the University of Texas, Austin. He is also a professor in the software engineering program, information assurance program, and the human-computer interaction program at the university. Prof. Rajan earned his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Virginia in August 2005. Since then he has been recognized by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) with a CAREER award in 2009, by the Iowa State University College of LAS with an Early Achievement in Research Award in 2010, a Big-12 Fellowship in 2012, a ACM Senior Membership in 2014, an exemplary mentor for Junior Faculty award in 2017, a Kingland Endowed Professorship in 2017, an ACM Distinguished Membership in 2017, and a US-UK Fulbright Scholarship in 2018. He was elevated to AAAS fellow in 2020. He was inducted into Sigma Xi in 2017, the Scientific Research Honor Society. Prof. Rajan specializes in data science, programming languages and software engineering. He is credited with giving the definitive treatment for how to modularly reason about crosscutting concerns, and for the design and implementation of the Boa infrastructure for large-scale analysis of open source software and its evolution. Prof. Rajan serves as the associate editor for the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. He served as an associate editor for the ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. He has also served as the program chair, and on the program committees of several conferences and workshops, and as a referee for top journals in his area. He served as the general chair of SPLASH 2020 and SPLASH 2021, the ACM SIGPLAN conference on Systems, Programming, Languages, and Applications: Software for Humanity.